Electrophysiology mapping is a diagnostic test that monitors the electrical activity in your heart. Your heart rhythm is triggered by electrical impulses produced by your body, and mapping this electrical activity makes it possible to diagnose heart disease.
Heart Rhythm Disorders and Your Yealth
Heart health is critical to whole-body health. Electrophysiology mapping, or an “EP study,” allows your heart doctor to have a super-detailed look at how the electrical signals in your heart move through the system. This test may be necessary as part of diagnosing your condition, especially when you are experiencing any of the following symptoms:
- Abnormal heart rhythm, or “arrhythmia.”
- You have recently fainted.
- It is suspected you are at risk for sudden cardiac death.
- You need to undergo a procedure called “cardiac ablation,” in which heat or cold energy is delivered to the heart to treat heart rhythm problems.